Monday, 30 January 2012

AmbiScience - Pure Sleep

There is a great app you can purchase for little over £1 for iPhone and Android called AmbiScience: Pure Sleep. In a nut shell, when we sleep we go through several stages of sleep and our brain creates brain waves, for example... if we are in a deep sleep our brain has activated delta waves or when we drift off to sleep and enter stage 1 of our sleep cycle we create theta waves etc.... So where's this going? Well, it can be hard for us to fall a sleep and that's where AmbiScience: Pure Sleep comes in. The app for Android and iPhone offers gentle effects such as chimes and rain with sleepy ambient music, you'll also get the option to recreate your brain waves at certain stages of your sleep cycle to help you sleep. I could select Deep Sleep mode which will create delta waves which in turn will help me to quickly enter a deep sleep, something that a lot of us with anxiety and sleeping issues probably don't get that much off.

For the price I'd highly recommend you check it out as I am going to tonight.

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